St. Louis-Stuttgart Sister Cities (SLSSC)
2017 Winter Ball Karneval visitng Prinzenpaare
Creating Relationships
Founded in 1960 to promote understanding and collaboration between the cities of St. Louis, Missouri and Stuttgart, Germany, SLSSC is the oldest Sister City organization in St. Louis. The organization is for people of all ages interested in building awareness of German Culture, promoting friendship and peace, and creating opportunities for civic and economic growth in both cities.
Left to right: Linda Kurz - SLSSC Board of directors, Susan Spitz - WOrld Trade Center St. Louis, lucy burns - Cicadea biospace, llc.
As a member of Sister Cities International and the World Trade Center-St. Louis, SLSSC has engaged Mayors in St. Louis and Stuttgart, and facilitated official delegations to promote trade and tourism. Placing strong value on education, SLSSC also sponsors educational exchanges at the High School and University levels, in addition to business internships and teacher exchanges. The link between the two cities has lead to engagement in sports, art, and music.
Young Professional member Abby Naumann with Tobi Mielich, a former German exchange student and scholarship recipient in Bad Urach at the annual Schäferlau.
Most importantly, SLSSC leads to life-long friendships. Home stay traditions allow for perspective into the day-to-day life in another country and culture and is truly a unique and exciting experience.
We invite you to learn more about St. Louis – Stuttgart Sister Cities and encourage you to take part in all our organization has to offer!