SLSSC Hosts Stuttgart Delegation and Partners at Paul Artspace Sponsor Exchange
/We are excited to announce that the SLSSC will be hosting a delegation from Germany at the end of September as part of Wunderbar Together, an effort on behalf of the Goethe Institute to strengthen ties between St. Louis and Stuttgart, Germany. The delegation will focus on creating connections between startup companies in both cities and broaden High School exchange programs. Our partners in Stuttgart have also invited the Stuttgart Reds Baseball team to join the delegation knowing St. Louis to be an avid baseball town! If you want to learn more about this delegation or take part in their visit, please contact Susanne Evens at
On the topic of exchanges, Paul Artspace resident, Jessie Donovan is currently in Germany for a month long program focusing on the arts and culture. St. Louis Magazine ran an article in a recent edition, which we are excited to share below: